[comment]: # "markdown: { smartypants: true }" ## AJ's BYU 2022 Lecture Series
AJ's [BYU 2022 Lecture Series](https://beyondcodebootcamp.github.io/presos/byu-2022/)
Part 1:
On Software Engineering
Part 2:
On Node.js
Part 3:
On Tooling
Brought to you in part by Da Boomer's
Markdown Slides
![](https://coolaj86.com/assets/media/coolaj86-2017.jpg) AJ ONeal
- 🐹 Golang Engineer - 🦀 Rust-curious - ↯ Zig-aficionado - ⬢ Node... 💔
Technophobic Technologist Dangerous Wrong Thinker Equal Opportunity Offender
> JSLint **will** hurt your feelings
- Douglas Crockford
> ~~JSLint~~ AJ **will** hurt your feelings
- Ben > Shapiro
## Take Notes?
- login with GitHub - 30s public to GHP with GHA - PLUS, encrypted sync
Part 1:
On Software Engineering
Part 2:
On Node.js
Part 3:
On Tooling