[comment]: # "markdown: { smartypants: true }" ## Node.js Tooling
## Part 3: On Tooling
### 0. Enums
Enums are for tooling. ```js var People = modules.exports; People.types = { GOOD: "GOOD", BAD: "BAD", }; ```
(auto-complete, yada yada)
No meta programming! ```js // ❌ ["GOOD", "BAD"].forEach(function (val) { People.types[val] = val; }); ```
... because `tsc` (the TS hinter) doesn't know the first thing about JS...
[Navigating Node.js in 2022: Tools](https://beyondcodebootcamp.github.io/presos/navigating-nodejs-in-2022/#/42) 1. vim-essentials 2. Prettier 3. JSHint 4. JSDoc
### 5. Basetag
😓 Turn this: ```js let balls = require("../../../../baseball/balls"); // ❌ ``` 🤯 Into this: ```js let balls = require("$/baseball/balls"); // ✅ ```
(again, top-level only)
### 6. Mono Repos
Don't break things that work! - `git tag` - `npm version` - `npm publish` - `package.json.homepage` - `package.json.version`
```bash git submodule add
``` ```bash git submodule add git@github.com:owner/repo.git ./repo ```
The Private Packages Cheat Sheet https://coolaj86.com/articles/vanilla-devops-git-credentials-cheatsheet/
(local dev) ```js export TOKEN=xxxxxxxx git config --global url."https://api:$TOKEN@github.com/".insteadOf "https://github.com/" git config --global url."https://ssh:$TOKEN@github.com/".insteadOf "ssh://git@github.com/" git config --global url."https://git:$TOKEN@github.com/".insteadOf "git@github.com:" ``` https://github.com/settings/tokens
DevOps, see "The Silver Bullet": https://coolaj86.com/articles/vanilla-devops-git-credentials-cheatsheet/
### 7. Testing
- baretest [github.com/volument/baretest](https://github.com/volument/baretest) - zora [github.com/lorenzofox3/zora/tree/master/zora](https://github.com/lorenzofox3/zora/tree/master/zora)
(0 baggage)
## Porty Time? 💩 🧃